Whether you live in a small quiet village or a large busy town you are never too far away from a construction site, be it a large scale or small scale project, construction is a major part of our everyday lives. Due to construction projects being so popular and so important there are always job opportunities for those wanting to pursue a career within this industry. Here we will have a look at the 10 top reasons why you should consider a career in construction!
1. There are many different routes into the industry
One of the huge appeals to a role within the construction industry is that there are many routes you can take, whether you are a school leaver, a graduate or someone who has experience in working within a completely different sector there are options for everyone! You just need to decide what route best suits you, whether it be an apprenticeship scheme, studying for a degree or applying for an entry level role and working your way up based on hard work and hands on experience, with a little bit of research you are able to discover the best route for you!
2. Variety is the spice of life
The diversity a career in construction has to offer is vast, from administrative roles right through to management positions, the opportunities are literally endless. There are roles to suit people from all different educational and career backgrounds, as well as roles more suited to those with no prior experience or qualifications. Pick a role that appeals to you the most, a role where you can utilise your strengths and skills most effectively.
3. The sky's the limit
The beauty of a career in construction is that your career aspirations can be sky high, the only limit to what you are able to achieve falls upon you! Whether you want to be in a managerial role or run your own company eventually, the opportunities are there within your reach if you are willing to work hard to get there! Some of the highest earning professionals in the big construction companies started from the bottom and with sheer hard work have progressed to the top of the career ladder!
4. Money
With progression comes the opportunity to earn a healthy living, this is another attraction to those working or considering working within the construction industry. With the current skills shortage being experienced within the construction industry demand is high for skilled workers, this has a positive knock on effect on those working within the industry. Companies are willing to pay competitive salaries to encourage the talented and skilled workers to work for them.
5. Always in demand
As previously mentioned in the introduction we are never far away from a construction site, there always is and always will be a demand for construction workers, whether you are wanting a contract role or a permanent one you can rest assured you will always be in work. When one project ends, it is more than likely a new one is set to start, so with the skills gained from previous roles it shouldn't be too difficult to find yourself a new and exciting challenge!

6. Team work makes the dream work
There is a great opportunity to forge lifelong friendships and relationships whilst pursuing a career in construction whether you chose an office based role or a site based role you will always be a valued member of a team, working alongside likeminded individuals. Together you will be working on creating and delivering projects you can look back on and feel accomplished for completing together.
7. Amazing travel opportunities
If staying in one place, or being confined to an office does not appeal to you, site based roles are the perfect alternative! With site based roles you have the option to go where the work takes you, whether this be around the country or perhaps even further afield, if the opportunity presents itself. If you have no personal commitments, such as family and are working on a contract basis you have the option of lodging and staying close to where your project is based. With this as an option you can literally pack up and move to wherever the next project is!
8. No fear of job stagnation
A career within construction can mean no two days are the same! Every day you are faced with a new challenge, every day you are closer to the completion of the project you are working on so every working day will be different. There is less chance of you becoming bored within this working environment, you are constantly stimulated as you may encounter a number of issues you will have to work to resolve. A lack of job stagnation can mean you are excited to go to work every day because you genuinely enjoy and embrace what you do, even when and if there are hurdles to overcome!
9. Rewarding
Aaron Hurst the well-known thought leader and author of 'The Purpose Economy' states that there are three types of purpose most people are driven by when it comes to their careers, these are:
- Personal Purpose-What drives you
- Social Purpose-The feeling of belonging
- Societal Purpose-Making a difference within society
A role in construction appeals to all three of these so the job satisfaction you gain will be well worth it! Purpose centred professionals go on to not only create more satisfying careers but also contribute more to their and team and organisation, so the knock on effect of having these three purposes catered to will add a high level of positivity to all those you work with boosting the overall morale. Whilst working on a project you are there to see it through from it just being a plan on a piece of paper all the way through to completion, the sense of personal gratification you will experience when you can see the end project will make the whole process worthwhile and highly rewarding!
10. Making a difference
By pursuing a career in construction you are making a big difference to your local community and even further afield! You can be involved in designing, planning and developing projects that can make a real difference too many people. Whether you are office based, working behind the scenes or working on site making these plans a reality you are helping create a better environment for all those benefitting by the projects you will be working on.